2024 Pride Fundraiser

Happy Pride, Queer Library Lovers! 💜✨

 This time last year, we asked you to help us raise $15,000 to launch a digital library of queer and trans ebooks and audiobooks. You came through and helped us hit that goal so we were able to make the Queer Liberation Library a reality that's now available throughout the United States. Now comes the hard part: maintenance.

This year, we're hoping to raise DOUBLE last year's goal! That means we want to reach $30,000 real American dollars to continue to provide library services to our expansively growing community. Recently, we reached 50,000 library members! What a huge, incredible, beautiful number. We have heard you that the hold times are just too long, and we agree. We're doing our best to keep up with your voracious excitement, but unfortunately… ebooks cost money! 😭

Your donations enable us to buy more licenses for more books and reduce those wait times. The average cost for one year of access for an ebook is about $40. The average cost for an audiobook is more like $80. For a lot of these items, the technology requires that only one person can use them at a time, just like a physical book. Because of these requirements, we need to be able to purchase extra copies to lower those wait times. 

We're also fundraising in order to introduce online programming. We want to be able to offer things like digital book clubs, video chat author talks, and maybe even… a summer reading challenge! Keep your eyes peeled. 

Now, we understand that not everyone who uses QLL can donate. If you aren't able to offer financial support, what you can do to help is to share us far and wide! Send the fundraiser to your friends, family, colleagues, exes! Share our social media posts! Print out some of our flyers and slip them into your favorite books at your local library! Please tell one person who you think should know about us, and you've done your part to keep QLL going.

Most of all, keep reading, because that's the whole point of this. On our end, we're overjoyed by and grateful for the community that's been growing around QLL, and we're looking to continue to nurture that in the future. We are so, so happy to have you with us while we all make access to queer information, literature, and resources more accessible together. Thank you for being a part of the QLL community! 


Donate here!


Fundraiser Update & NBC News!
