It’s Opening Day!

Hello, Friends of the Library!

Thank you and welcome to the Opening Day of Queer Liberation Library. We are now open! The collection is available and circulating! Please get in there and check out books, place holds, and read to your queer heart’s content! 

This has been both a long time coming and an absolute whirlwind of an experience. Our team started with four people a year and a half ago and here we are, on opening day with a stacked team of seven amazing, talented, brilliant individuals who have put their hearts, souls, time, effort, and laughter into this library for you. For us. It has been an indescribable joy to build this library for our community. We are so proud, so honored, so genuinely hashtag blessed to be able to do this. 

And it’s not all us. We want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who donated to this project. Your financial support was integral to the birth of this library. We are an all-volunteer operation, so every cent of those donations went directly to getting the library up and running on its feet. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

For me, Kieran, this has been the work I’ve always wanted to do. Thank you all for helping make this a reality. I believe so wholeheartedly in this project and the good it can do in this country, at this time. I am so excited for this to launch and for everyone to read queer books. I am so excited for the next steps we get to take after launch, because there is so much more we want to do! There is so much that a digital library can offer, and we have every intention of bringing you those resources. This project is about queer books, library politics, banned books, all of that - but at the end of the day, it’s about our community. About queer and LGBTQ2IA+ people. About bringing us closer together in a space where we are all safe to be our whole, true selves. About making connections and understanding each other’s basic, beautiful humanity, and seeing the gorgeous, exciting ways that each of us manifests the human experience into our lives. That’s what QLL is about for me. Getting these books to you is the first way we have of sharing the stories of our community with our community. There will be more stories to come. And again, with all my heart, thank you.

If you can afford to, please consider setting up a recurring donation, even if it’s just a dollar a month. Those recurring donations will help us with keeping the collection fresh and available. We’ll use those funds to purchase new books each month and manage holds queues so you don’t have to wait three months for a book. If that’s not in your budget, we totally understand, but if you can afford it, please consider giving! A little will go a long way. 

Happy reading, my friends! Please send us screenshots of your first checkouts! Tell us what books you’re the most excited to see in the collection! Most importantly, have fun! Thank you so much and happy opening day to Queer Liberation Library!


2023 Wrapped


Opening October 23rd!