Fundraiser Update!

Hello, folks!

Wow, we cannot thank you enough for the amazing rocket launch of a start for our first annual Pride Fundraiser. We’re two-thirds of the way there with more than two entire weeks left! Our goal of $15,000 seems more attainable every day, and any extra money we might raise will go towards building a more robust library collection. So please keep sharing, keep talking about us, keep encouraging those who can to donate! We’re so grateful for your support.

And speaking of getting the word out - there’s still one more weekend left of Pride Month to do that! We’ve got some flyers for you. The QR code leads to our fundraiser, and we have the flyers available both in black and white or in color!

Print them out! Hand them out at your city’s Pride events! Drop some at your local coffee shops and hang them on community bulletin boards! As much as we love our online friends, we want to make sure that people who don’t spend as much time on the internet as us get the chance to learn about this project, so we need to get the word out as far and wide as possible!

Thank you all again! This has been a whirlwind so far, and we’re so excited for the future!


Fundraiser Phase: Book Blitz


Happy Pride & Summer Announcements